As the day and night came to meet in equal measure at the Equinox, bearing the fruits of what they had been traversing, you are asked to take a moment to ponder what you are saying yes to as the sun takes the lead in the Southern Hemisphere, and what you are saying no to as the moon takes the lead in the Northern Hemisphere.
We were also greeted by the last supermoon of the year a couple of days ago, adding to the call for pause, reflection, release, celebration, and re-orientation.

In the south we have officially risen and moved on from the descent experience through the winter. We emerged like fawns at Imbolc; wobbly legged, tender hearted and slightly disoriented; but within us we carried a treasure- a wisdom born from the darkest of hours.
The vulnerability of first sight, first light, cracked us open into the many possibilities that awaited us in the world of wonder we found ourselves in. But now, as we have just passed the Equinox, it is time to turn dreams into actions and say yes to that which we are bringing through this year, that which is calling out from seeds to germinate.
This time of year is the domain of the Maiden within us, the Free-Spirited Virgin. Although often vulnerable and tender, she is also a power house of enthusiasm and gusto for her big dreams of changing the world. She trusts life and love wholeheartedly, and chases it with her whole being.
Her primary place in the body is your heart, arms, hands and skin. Listening to your heart at this time is crucial; following it's guidance, trusting the process, creating the process and giving time for processing; are all important ways to support the rising of the suns power within you. Work towards heart coherence and fine-tune your resonance to support a clear vessel for inspiration that aligns with your deepest longings and desires.
This is a magical time of forward movement and the building of momentum. But did you pause long enough to gather the wisdom form the dark nights of winters descent? Or did you push and hurry and force growth where there needed to be death?
If you did the latter you will burn out by the time summers height comes along and you will need to temper this now by taking it a little slower than you feel urged to. If it's the latter, your hurried excitement and growth will lend itself to a powerful rise to full bloom in the summer.
The Free Spirited Virgin has total trust in her ability to get what she wants and says yes to life and love, even when she gets hurt along the way, opening to the flow of life's current playfully, purposefully and passionately. To connect with her, plan things out- just don't forget to bring your heart online so that what you dream up and plan out is in alignment with your souls path.

In the Northern Hemisphere, you have just come off the summer high and have past the threshold of acknowledging all you brought to fruition and all that didn't quite make it at Lammas. if you didn't start to turn towards the night sky around that time, it is imperative you do now. All you have carried during full bloom summer euphoria and buzz can simply not move forward with you, or you run the risk of experiencing much turmoil through your descent.
It's time to re-orient, focus on less, get laser clear on what’s important, and prioritise your body and your pleasure! But have you taken some time to grieve that which did not quite make it thus far? Have you given some space to let go, even just a little, and celebrate the things that did take root?
This time on the wheel is the domain of the Maga, the Sensual Priestess. Her home is your body and specifically your vulva and vagina. She has a bladed tongue and kick arse boundaries that know exactly where to place her time and energy for maximum enjoyment. She reminds you to refine your desires and is not interested in following pipe dreams or meeting others’ demands.
If you fight her here, you end up totally depleted, dried out, and disconnected from her inner well of moistness she is calling you to cultivate. it's a turning in and a shutting out of all that is not coming with you as you prepare for your rendezvous with the dark.
This is a great time to really nurture your body, carve out space, set clear boundaries, and make time to tend to the things that fill you up.
So, on this turning of the cyclic wheel as the sun and moon meet to dance, what is it you are saying yes to Southerners? And what is it you are saying no to Northerners?
I’d love to hear from you…